Deosha S.
My experience w Nina was unexplainable! She's amazing & the atmosphere is peaceful and serene. It's a safe space for healing & cleansing. She's so genuine, loving and positive. Her spirit is just so sweet & she customized my waist, ankle & bracelet beads beautifully. The total experience was just phenomenal. Our appointment was completely spiritually divine.
Gail G.
It was a great experience! I got 3 pair! They are positioned in 3 different sizes, various meanings, colors, etc. There were prayers (I said one and she said one as she put it on). Very cool experience! There are beads for self love, confidence, my Nigerian and Cameroon ancestors (27% and 22%), wealth, understanding, faith....
Be’Le Oshun
Nina is an authentic soul that provides a beautiful experience through her spiritual waistbeads. Thank you for blessing my daughter and me with an amazing experience.
Nicole A.
What I enjoy most about BeadBody is the fellowship, the sisterhood, the empowerment that I feel while in this space, as well as after I’m gone. It is always been a time of reflection, positive vibes, and enrichment, not only to myself, but those that may share that space with me. Simply Because Nina is AMAZING AND TRULY A GIFT! Gratitude 💚🙏🏼 Nicole A
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