Sacred Surrender
One time
For 5 weeks

Sacred Surrender is a 28-day spiritual journey designed to detox the body, restore the spirit, and renew your connection with GOD. Through fasting, journaling, yoga, sound baths, and community support, you’ll cleanse both inside and out, realigning with your purpose. Together, we’ll create space for personal growth, spiritual reflection, and transformation, stepping into the next chapter of your life with clarity and faith.

Join us for Sacred Surrender: A 28-Day Journey to Detox, Restore, and Renew Your Faith

Join Our 28-Day Fasting Journey – Sacred Surrender Starting September 28th!

Are you ready to deepen your connection with GOD, renew your mind, body, and spirit, and embark on a transformative journey? We invite you to join Sacred Surrender, a 28-day fast beginning on September 28th and ending on October 26th, with a special in-person gathering on the 29th day (October 27th).

This fast is not just about restriction—it’s about creating space in your life for divine connection, reflection, and growth. Whether you choose to fast from social media, certain foods, or other distractions, the focus is on what will bring you closer to GOD and your highest self. The choices are yours, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Kickoff Event (Date TBA)

Before the fast begins, we will host a kickoff event where we’ll gather for a sister circle, engage in a Q&A, and write our first intention in our journals. During this event, you’ll also have the opportunity to create your Balanced Aura Mist spray, collect your Reality Board supplies, and pick up a fresh-pressed juice from Jab of Juice. For participants residing outside the greater Indianapolis area, your supplies will be shipped to you by mail.

What’s Included in Sacred Surrender:

• Two Complimentary Waistbeads: At the start of the fast, you will receive and tie on your first strand of waistbeads during a special ceremony to symbolize the beginning of your journey. At the end of the fast, during our final in-person gathering, we will cut off the first strand in a symbolic release and tie on your second strand to represent your new transformation and fresh start.

• Journal: Each participant will receive a journal for reflection and intention-setting throughout the fast. This journal will serve as a tool for tracking personal growth and documenting your spiritual journey.

• Reality Board Creation (via Zoom or Family Reality Board): Formerly known as vision boards, these Reality Boards are designed to help you call things into existence as part of your reality, reflecting your faith that GOD has already gone before you to fulfill your desires. We will provide all the materials for you to create your Reality Board. You can either join our Zoom session to create it together with other participants or make it a family activity and build a family Reality Board at home.

• Weekly Virtual Sound Bath & Sister Check-ins (Wednesday Evenings): Each week on Wednesday evenings, we will come together in a peaceful virtual setting for a relaxing sound bath and a check-in with the group to reflect, support each other, and stay on track.

• Opportunities for Yoga (offered once a week, both virtually and in-person): These gentle yoga sessions will help keep your body grounded as you go through the fast.

• Balanced Aura Mist Spray Creation: You will create your own Balanced Aura Mist spray, infused with dried flowers and crystals of your choice. This mist will be your personal tool for calmness and peace, designed to refresh your environment and help ground you during meditation or prayer. The spray can be used to trigger peace wherever you go, reminding you of your moments of stillness and connection. Carry it with you throughout the day to bring yourself back to the serenity you cultivated during meditation.

• Foot Soak & Facial Steam from Divine Streams: Each participant will receive a 15-minute facial steam and a 15-minute foot soak, redeemable at any time during the fast. Divine Streams is also offering 15% off all services for participants throughout the fast.

• Recipe Sharing & Meal Prep Support via Zoom: To support your fasting journey, we will be sharing recipes and providing meal prep guidance via Zoom, offering ideas and strategies to help you stay nourished and on track.

• Fresh-Pressed Juice from Jab of Juice: Each participant will receive one fresh-pressed juice from Jab of Juice to support their wellness journey during the fast. Jab of Juice is also offering discounts on additional juices for participants.

• Final In-Person Gathering: On October 27th, after the fast ends, we will come together in person to share our experiences, participate in an optional cutting ceremony to release your first waistbead strand, tie on your new strand, sip tea, and reflect on the journey. This is our time to celebrate the transformation and the spiritual growth you’ve experienced.

Special Discounts for Participants:

• 20% Off Beadbody Products and Services: All participants will receive 20% off Beadbody products and services throughout the fast. This includes our waistbeads, workshops, and more to support your journey of self-care and wellness.

• One-Time 20% Off PAX Permanent Jewelry Services: Participants will receive a one-time 20% discount on PAX permanent jewelry services during the fast. This special offer is exclusive for participants looking to enhance their experience with our beautiful and meaningful permanent jewelry.

• 15% Off Services from Divine Streams: Along with the included facial steam and foot soak, Divine Streams is offering a 15% discount on all services for participants throughout the duration of the fast.

• Discounted Juices from Jab of Juice: Along with the fresh-pressed juice included in the fast, Jab of Juice is offering discounts on additional juices for participants.

Why Join Sacred Surrender?

This 28-day fast offers a deeply personal and transformative experience. It’s your opportunity to release what no longer serves you, invite new blessings into your life, and connect with GOD in ways you may never have before. This fast is designed for you to make decisions about what to fast from—whether it’s food, technology, or other distractions—so you can receive the full value of this sacred journey.

We encourage you to consult with your physician before implementing any dietary changes or restrictions, as this fast is about what’s best for you. Please note that I am not a dietitian or physician. You should contact your healthcare provider to discuss any new dietary or meal regimen you plan to begin.

Price: $165 per participant ($250+ value!)

A Zoom informational session will be held prior to the kickoff to answer any questions and prepare for the fast (date TBD).

This is your chance to embrace a higher level of self-care, spiritual connection, and personal renewal. Don’t miss out on this life-changing opportunity to surrender and grow through the power of faith.

Pure Heart Wellness Studio